Bookmakers reveal details of election bets over £20, investigation underway

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Many more people than the leading Tories already identified are being investigated by the gambling regulator in relation to bets on the date of the general election.

Four Conservative candidates or officials, and the PM’s close protection officer, are under investigation. Pic: PA

And in a major new development, the regulator has widened its investigation to look into whether people with insider information may have asked third parties to place bets on their behalf.
Just days after Rishi Sunak’s announcement on 22 May, investigators wrote to major bookmakers seeking details of bets of more than £20 on election day.

The Gambling Commission, which is investigating, has already taken a strong interest in political betting and is carrying out additional checks on betting by people with political connections.

The gaming industry also considers politicians and those who work closely with politicians to be PEPs – people “entrusted with prominent public roles” that are politically exposed.

This is because, according to the Law Society, these individuals generally “pose a greater risk of engaging in bribery and corruption because of their position and influence”.

Nick Mason, the Conservative’s chief data officer, is being investigated by the Electoral Commission
Laura Saunders is the party’s candidate in Bristol North West. Pic: Laura Saunders for Bristol North West

On Saturday evening it was revealed that Nick Mason, the Conservative party’s chief data protection officer, is the fourth Conservative candidate or official to come under investigation. He is on administrative leave and denies any wrongdoing.

Mr Sunak’s parliamentary private secretary, Craig Williams, the Conservative candidate for Montgomeryshire and Glyndwr, admitted last week to making bets on election day.

Earlier this week the party’s campaign manager Tony Lee and his wife, Laura Sanders, the Conservative candidate for Bristol North West, were also investigated.

Mr Sunak’s bodyguard was arrested on suspicion of betting on election time.

Craig Williams admitted to betting on the election date. Pic: PA

Home Secretary James Cleverley said he was “very clearly” told not to discuss the investigation,

He added: “I would in no way defend people who bet on it.”

Asked if there was a wider betting ring, Mr Cleverley said: “That’s not my understanding. To my knowledge, the number is small.”

He also said he had “no reason to believe” ministers were involved in election-time betting.

A Gambling Commission spokesman said: “The Gambling Commission regulates gambling in the interest of consumers and the general public.”

“The Commission is currently investigating possible breaches in relation to Election Day.”

“This is an ongoing investigation and the commission is unable to provide further details at this time. We are not confirming or denying the identities of anyone involved in this investigation.”

“In accordance with instructions from the Gambling Commission we are not permitted to discuss any matters relating to the investigation with any parties or individuals.”

The other candidates for Bristol North West are:

Caroline Gooch, Lib Dems

Darren Jones, Labour

Scarlett O’Connor, Reform UK

Mary Page, Green Party

Ben Smith, SDP

The other candidates for Montgomeryshire and Glyndwr are:

Jeremy Brignell-Thorp, Green Party

Oliver Lewis, Reform Uk

Glyn Preston, Lib Dems

Elwyn Vaughan, Plaid Cymru

Steve Witherden, Labour

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