Child killer nurse Lucy Letby convicted again of attempting to murder a child

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The jury in the retrial of murderous nurse Lucy Levy has been remanded to consider a verdict on a charge of attempting to murder the girl in her care.

The 34-year-old was convicted by a different jury in August last year for the murders of seven infants and the attempted murder of six others at the neonatal ward of the Countess of Chester Hospital between June 2015 and June 2016.

However, no verdict was reached on the charge relating to the toddler known as Child K and a new trial was ordered on this single charge.

Levy is said to have targeted K in the early hours of February 17, 2016, shortly after the baby was transferred from the delivery room to the neonatal ward shortly after his premature birth.

The prosecution at Manchester Crown Court said Levy deliberately tampered with Child K’s breathing tube, which was being ventilated with air and oxygen.

Lucy Levy UAE Breaking News
The jury in the retrial of killer nurse Lucy Letby has been sent out to consider its verdict on an allegation that she attempted to murder a baby girl in her care (Cheshire Constabulary/PA) (Image: PA Media)

Pediatrician Dr Ravi Jayaram caught a nurse “virtually red-handed” entering the intensive care unit of the ward and intervened to resuscitate baby K.

Ms Levy told the jury of six women and six men she could not recall such an event.

She denied harming child K, adding that she had not committed any of the offences for which she was convicted.

K was subsequently admitted to a specialist hospital on 17 February after being born extremely prematurely. She died there three days later, but the prosecution does not allege that Levy caused her death.

Levy, from Hereford, denies attempted murder.

A court order prohibits the disclosure of the identities of the surviving and deceased children involved in this case.

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