Court refuses to change sentence of man who killed three people in Nottingham

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Valdo Calocane, who has paranoid schizophrenia, was handed an indefinite hospital order for the manslaughter by reason of diminished responsibility of Grace O’Malley-Kumar, Barnaby Webber and Ian Coates, and the attempted murder of three others.

Grace Kumar, Barnaby Webber and Ian Coates
Image:Grace O’Malley-Kumar, Barnaby Webber and Ian Coates were fatally stabbed by Valdo Calocane. Pics: Family handouts

She added: “It is impossible to read of the circumstances of this offending without the greatest possible sympathy for the victims of these terrible attacks, and their family and friends.

“The victim impact statements paint a graphic picture of the appalling effects of the offender’s conduct.

“Had the offender not suffered the mental condition that he did, the sentencing judge would doubtless have been considering a whole life term.

“But neither the judge nor this court can ignore the medical evidence as to the offender’s condition which led to these dreadful events or the threat to public safety which the offender continues to pose.”

Dr Sanjoy Kumar and Dr Sinead O’Malley, the parents of Ms O’Malley-Kumar, were in court for the ruling.

Pic: PA
Parents of Grace O'Malley-Kumar, Dr Sanjoy Kumar and Dr Sinead O'Malley outside the Royal Courts of Justice in central London, after the Court of Appeal refused to change the sentence of Valdo Calocane, who was given an indefinite hospital order for the manslaughter of Barnaby Webber, Grace O'Malley-Kumar and Ian Coates, and the attempted murder of three others, in Nottingham on June 13 last year. Picture date: Tuesday May 14, 2024.
Image:Dr Sanjoy Kumar and Dr Sinead O’Malley – the parents of Grace O’Malley-Kumar – attended today’s court hearing. Pic: PA

In a statement afterwards, Mr Webber’s mother Emma said today’s results demonstrated “how completely flawed and underfunded” the criminal justice system is and the need for urgent reform of UK murder laws. He said he is doing so.

She said: “Despite the judge’s words, the fact remains that almost 90% of people who complete a hospital order are discharged within 10 years and 98% are discharged within 20 years. is now facing a life sentence.” Make sure the monster Valdo Carrocane becomes the next Ian Brady or Fred West and is never released

The failure of the investigation by Nottingham Police and the failure of the East Midlands Police Given the weak prosecution, no further conclusion is reportedly likely to be reached.” She called for a public inquiry, saying the family’sfight for justice” would continue. .

“We do not and will never agree that a malicious, calculated and planned attack was carried out by an individual with zero competency.”

“We never denied that he was mentally unstable. But he knew what he was doing and that it was wrong. But… He did it anyway.

There should be penalties for such heinous acts.
Calokane was attacked by 19-year-old students Weber and Omari Kumar, 65, in the early hours of June 13 last year. Janitor Coates was stabbed to death at Nottingham Crown Court in January
After killing Mr Coates, Mr Coates stole a van and pedestrian 3.

The victim’s family criticized Mr Carrocane’s sentencing in January, saying Justice has not been served.'' Meanwhile, Mr Coates' son James said the killer was The extreme crime ofgetting away with murder” justified “the imposition of punishments with punitive and punitive elements.”

But Calokane’s Peter Joyce KC said no crime had been committed “apart from mental illness” and imposing a compound order meant “being punished on the basis of mental illness”.

The appellate court judges could not consider or change the crime for which Calocane was convicted, nor could they consider new evidence relevant to the case.

Rather, the sentencing judge at the time could only determine, based on the evidence available to him, whether the sentence was unduly lenient.

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