Home » I’ve seen Israel’s restraint first-hand — now we must support its war on Hezbollah

I’ve seen Israel’s restraint first-hand — now we must support its war on Hezbollah

by UAE Breaking

During a trip to Israel earlier this year, I met people who had been forced to leave their homes in the northern part of the country as a result of Hezbollah terrorists’ unrelenting rocket attacks.

Israel has been a model of restraint despite relentless bombardments fired off by Hezbollah in southern Lebanon. (Image: Getty Images)

They were jaded, miserable, and utterly frustrated after being uprooted and institutionalized in so-called temporary housing. When would it ever be safe enough for them to return home? How long would it take?

Since Hezbollah began regularly firing rockets at Israel on October 8, the day after Hamas terrorists killed over 1300 people and held hundreds more hostage, this situation has persisted. Over 70,000 Israelis have been forced to flee their homes as a result of more than 8,000 rockets fired since then. As Israel’s ambassador to the United Nations Danny Danon so poignantly put it, they have become refugees in their own land.

However, the events in Gaza have dominated the news agenda, so the plight of the displaced Israelis has largely gone unreported over the past year. However, there was not much information available, so it went unnoticed as well. According to officials, Israel engaged in negotiations to secure safe passage for their residents to return home, despite Hezbollah’s ever-increasing hostilities. Israel displayed remarkable restraint in this endeavor. However, the narrative has become mired in double standards since Israel’s initial air strikes and subsequent limited incursion into Southern Lebanon, rather than applauding the nation for its measured approach. with a worldwide outcry against Israel for having the audacity to respond.

As is always the case, many discussions about Israel are based on ignorance or prejudice. Usually both. that Hezbollah has constructed an infrastructure, strongholds, and military-grade capabilities on Israel’s northern border over the past two decades, allowing it to infiltrate the country and carry out attacks similar to those on October 7 These details are ignored. Additionally, Israel has largely remained silent in order to avoid retaliation. However, consider this: Which sovereign nation on earth would allow Hezbollah-like actions on its borders? If a ferocious terrorist enemy were to threaten the annihilation of innocent British communities, can you imagine the UK, Starmer included? The government must take action to protect its citizens and allow them to return home as a matter of moral obligation.

to take action to ensure the safety of its citizens and permit their return home.

But Israel is supposed to ignore what Hezbollah has been saying for years—that it wants to conquer and destroy—because, as always, the rules are different in the Middle East. Its inability to respond to such a narrative should make us happy. An open door to massacre and a white flag are not options for the Israeli people’s survival.

Obviously, no matter which side you’re on, one innocent life lost is too many. However, this is a war against terrorism, and if this barbaric enemy is allowed to succeed, every moral nation will pay the price. Civilians have always paid the price, even though the Israeli military last week urged people in southern Lebanon to immediately evacuate homes and other buildings where Hezbollah used weapons to avoid the storm that was about to come. Again, which army does that? Were notes dropped by the allies in Dresden?)

Israel’s demands during a war are always greater than those of any other nation, and the international community is urging the nation not to escalate tensions. The fact that Israel has switched from being an example of restraint to using ground invasion clearly tells the story. The circumstances are no longer bearable. The idea that Israel should have to play it another way is also intolerable.

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