Jonathan Groff’s Doctor Who debut was incredible, reminded me of fan-favorite character (Captain Jack)

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Doctor Who fans have been waiting for a long time, but finally Jonathan Groff appeared as his character in his Bridgerton costume in an episode that just aired on the 2024 TV schedule.

Jonathan Groff
Credit: Disney+

I don’t think there were many who suspected that his performance would be disappointing, but I’m sure there were few who saw this episode coming, or expected the actor to have such a big role in the story. “Rogue” was great, but did anyone else have a strong feeling that the Broadway veteran was playing a familiar character?

As viewers continue to count the coincidences that pile up this season, Doctor Who introduced a character who could be an important recurring character. So what was up with the big kiss between the Doctor and Rogue? Does anyone else feel that he’s reminiscent of Captain Jack Harkness?

Jonathan Groff killed it as Rogue, but did anyone else feel he was Captain Jack Harkness?

Even before the passionate kiss between “Rogue” and the Doctor, I was getting strong vibes of bounty hunter Captain Jack Harkness. Heh, some fans already suspected this before the episode even aired, but when Russell T. Davies didn’t reveal that speculation, we have to wonder.

We didn’t know “Rogue’s” real name until he was sacrificed to an unknown fate to save Ruby Sunday. And because of time travel, it’s possible that this was the first time the Doctor ever met Jack Harkness.

Anyway, Jonathan Groff was fantastic. Coming into this series and saving the day with a passionate kiss on the Doctor was a killer move and I think it sets him up nicely as the next River Song kind of character. The question is not if we’ll see him again, but when.

Will Doctor Who recast John Barrowman as Captain Jack?

Doctor Who viewers are probably wondering if Russell T. Davies simply recast the role of Captain Jack Harkness, but I’m not sure which side of that speculation I’m on. Original Jack actor John Barrowman played a huge role in Davies’ performance, and it would be pretty disrespectful to separate him from the character’s history.

At the same time, we must also acknowledge the elephant in the room, which is that Doctor Who essentially severed ties with Barrowman after his Flash scandal was highlighted in a resurfaced interview earlier in the series. The series never officially broke with Barrowman, but any connection to the character was removed from Jodie Whittaker’s appearance after her brief cameo seemed to offer a new flavor to the character.

Although Barrowman publicly apologized for the scandal years before it resurfaced, he seems unable to convince Doctor Who to repair their relationship with him.

It would be plausible to see Jonathan Groff playing Captain Jack Harkness, but it is also possible to imagine a scenario in which Rogue is the spiritual successor to the character.

This season, so far, feels very much about showcasing new things for a potential new audience, which ultimately leads me to believe “Rogue” is not Captain Jack Harkness. I think he was intentionally written to evoke the same feelings, and I wouldn’t be surprised if The Doctor makes a note of that. Ultimately, though, do you cast Jonathan Groff as a potential recurring star to play an already existing character? I don’t think so, but we’ll find out in time what his deal is.  

Doctor Who is still rolling along on Disney+, with new episodes arriving on Fridays at 7:00 p.m. ET. Next week’s episode feels like one fans won’t want to miss, so be sure to clear your schedule as we head into the final stories of the season. 

Warning! The following contains spoilers for the Doctor Who episode “Rogue.” Watch the episode with a Disney+ subscription and read at your own risk!

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