Keir Starmer 6 statements about what the Labour Party will do first if it comes to power

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Sir Keir Starmer has effectively launched his party’s campaign for the next general election, listing the six things he would do first after stepping into Number 10.

(From left to right) Shadow Chancellor of the Exchequer, Rachel Reeves, Labour leader Keir Starmer and Mayor of Manchester Andy Burnham, are expected to be key players in Labours top priorities ahead of the election (Picture: Getty)
(From left to right) Shadow Chancellor of the Exchequer, Rachel Reeves, Labour leader Keir Starmer and Mayor of Manchester Andy Burnham, are expected to be key players in Labours top priorities ahead of the election (Picture: Getty)

Earlier this week, the Labour leader told his shadow cabinet they will be moving on to the ‘next phase of our strategy’ after the local elections earlier this month, in which the party added 186 councillors to its tally.

It involves showing Brits ‘the real difference a Labour government will make to their lives’, he said.

A list of his six main priorities has now been released, revealing how the party would tackle issues including the NHS, border security and sky-high energy bills if it wins power.

Mr Starmer said: “These first steps deliver on our ambition for a transformed Labor Party to return to a position of serving workers, setting out our priorities, what matters to us and the UK “It shows what’s important to the people.” First the country, then the party.

“These first steps will make a huge difference to people’s lives.”

“If you are suffering while waiting for NHS treatment If you live in a community and your area is plagued by issues of anti-social behavior and you want higher standards, this is the first step. ” Show us what the Labor Government will do to help you. One million homes, a “new deal for workers” and new powers for mayors and combined authorities.

The announcement comes four days after Rishi Sunak gave a huge speech at the Policy Exchange in central London, seen by some as an effective launch of the Conservative Party’s general election campaign. There is.

He envisioned a world rife with multiple threats, including immigration, AI, Russia and China, and argued that only the Conservative Party could deal with them.

The Prime Minister said: “I am deeply alarmed because the next five years are going to bring about more change than the last 30 years,” he told reporters. He said he believed Labor had no plan for the country’s future.

The next general election is scheduled to be held in the second half of this year, with November currently the most popular month for bookmakers.

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