Prince Harry and Meghan Markle’s wedding was ‘miserable’ and ‘worst event ever’ says guest

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A photographer who attended Prince Harry and Meghan Markle’s wedding in 2018 has said that it was the “worst royal wedding” he’s ever been to.

Prince Harry, and Meghan markle UAE Breaking
A photographer has spoken out about the big day (Image: Getty)

A photographer who was present at Prince Harry and Meghan Markle’s wedding in 2018 has shockingly branded the event as “miserable” and labelled it the “worst event” he’s ever covered.

Arthur Edwards, a renowned royal snapper with a long history of capturing the Royal Family, is no stranger to regal events. His camera has followed them across the globe, from the Queen’s tour of Australia and New Zealand to Prince Harry‘s gap-year adventures in Africa.

But the veteran expert opened up about his experience on Harry and Meghan’s big day.

“I hated that day. It was a horrible day,” Edwards admitted in an interview on The Sun’s YouTube channel. He didn’t hold back and said, “I can tell you now that this was the worst royal wedding I’ve ever been to.”

He insisted that Prince Harry keep the media out during the celebrations. He said something.

Mr Edwards lamented that the day was a “disaster” as he needed a long lens to take the photo and his attempts to get a decent photo were thwarted by the couple’s back turned as they rode past. Ta.

Edwards also hinted at hostility towards him and the British press, saying he felt he was badly treated during the royal wedding.

After The Sun recently published excerpts of an interview with expert analysis, one viewer wrote on social media:

‘At this point, he’s clearly had enough. I saw him on an RF wedding panel a while back and he said essentially the same thing as here. H&M’s antics started long before the world knew about them. ”

Another commenter said: “All the guests at Harry and Meghan’s wedding looked unhappy and really boring.”

Another added: . He really thinks that Harry and he were friends.

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