Prince Harry’s rift is a ‘shame’ for Prince William What’s the matter

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The ongoing rift between brothers Harry and William is especially “embarrassing” at this time for the older of the two siblings.

Prince Harry and William
Prince Harry and Prince William were once so close (Image: Getty Images)

That’s what royal experts are saying, revealing that Princess Diana’s birthday is a particularly “delicate time” for the future king — and this year makes it even worse, as he’s the only person to know what it was like to lose her. Not that I’m there to share those emotions.

With the anniversary of Princess Diana’s birth passing on July 1, veteran royal commentator and former BBC royal correspondent Jenny Bond reflected on the difficult year for the future king.

Diana, Princess of Wales would have been celebrating her 64th birthday ( Image: Getty)

Jenny said: “Of course, the anniversary is always a very delicate time for William and it will be such a shame that he won’t be able to share his feelings with the only person on earth who really knows what it was like to have met Princess Diana – his younger brother Harry.

“But the Princess will be so proud to see how bravely William has faced everything that has happened in recent months.”

Prince William reflected on having to deal with his mother’s loss so publicly ( Image: Tim Graham Photo Library via Getty Images)

Jenny claimed William had been close to me at times last year and “seemed incredibly lonely” despite him having three major tasks to accomplish.

In what has been a challenging year for the British Royal Family, the Duke of Cambridge has had to navigate his three young children into their growing roles as key members of the company while watching his wife, the Duchess of Cambridge, and his father, King Charles, undergo cancer treatment.

Former BBC royal correspondent Jenny told OK!: “He had to shoulder the responsibility of being a son whose father had cancer, a husband caring for a wife who also had cancer, a father to three young children, and not having a sibling or a mother to rely on for a little love. “

Diana left a lasting impression on the world. Her selfless charity work, unwavering determination to create change, and impeccable fashion sense are just some of the ways she made her presence felt. The beloved Queen, born 63 years ago on July 1, 1961, leaves behind two sons who dedicated their lives to upholding their mother’s legacy by supporting their favorite causes.

A young william with his mother ( Image: Tim Graham Photo Library via Getty Images)

Jenny reflected on her intimate conversations with Princess Diana, adding: “She always said she was incredibly good at giving and caring, and it’s clear she gave that in abundance to her beloved son.

There are other family members who have supported William in every way they could, but there’s no substitute for a loving mother who protects and guides you.

“William has lived without his mother longer than he has had her by his side. He has often spoken about losing a parent and the pain never going away. She is always in his mind and will always be.” May her birthday be as celebrated as ever.”

In the moving 2017 ITV documentary Diana, Our Mother, William spoke about his difficult journey, saying: “It made me stronger. I wanted her to be proud of who I had grown up to be.

I didn’t want her to worry and I didn’t want her to be left feeling completely devastated by this, either Prince William or Prince Harry.” His experience of the public mourning outside Kensington Palace

He said: “People were grabbing us, wanting to touch us, they were screaming, crying, literally wailing at us, throwing flowers, screaming, sobbing, fainting, people were collapsing. It was a very strange environment. I couldn’t understand why people were wanting to cry so loudly and show such emotion when they didn’t even know the mother.

At times I felt a bit protective about it. You didn’t even know her. Why and how am I so upset? Now I look back and I come to understand what she gave to the world and what she gave to so many people.

Years after her tragic death, it’s clear that William is committed to upholding his mother’s legacy through himself and his children, Prince George, Princess Charlotte and Prince Louis.

“Williams’ greatest contribution to his mother is his determination to carry on her legacy, especially on issues like homelessness and mental health,” Jenny revealed.

“And he’s raising his children with the same values ​​that Princess Diana instilled in him. She added: “Princess Diana was always in her element when dealing with people who were struggling and in difficulty.

She would have enjoyed spending time with those suffering from illness and dedicated herself to making sure her daughter-in-law grew stronger and her children felt secure. Fortunately, they have another equally devoted grandmother, Carole’s own mother, Carole.” His emotions are conflicted.

The once-close brothers have become estranged following Prince Harry’s departure from the royal family and move to the US with Meghan Markle, as well as a series of explosive allegations that spread across various media channels.

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