Rishi Sunak faces embarrassment with heated exchange during BBC Question Time debate

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Prime Minister Rishi Sunak was hit with cries of ‘shame’ during his BBC Question Time appearance, after the Conservative Party leader hinted he may leave the European Convention of Human Rights

Rishi Sunak UAE News
Rishi Sunak floated a number of potential ideas during the debate including hinting that he may withdraw from the European Convention of Human Rights

Just two weeks before the country decides which party will lead the UK after the general election, Chancellor Rishi Sunak has done little to garner voters’ support as his policies were criticised by the audience during a televised BBC special Question Time.

The Conservative leader took to the floor for 30 minutes on Thursday night to answer questions from the public on a wide range of topics, from NHS waiting lists and illegal immigration to a reaffirmation of plans to introduce some kind of national service in case of an emergency. It would be enough for him to be re-elected and introduced.

But it was when he discussed the current migration deal with Rwanda that his policies became the most controversial. The deal sees both illegal immigrants and legal asylum seekers deported to the African country to await the processing of their applications, an issue raised by members that was roundly criticised by all. party.

During the debate, Mr Sunak hinted that he might withdraw the UK from the European Convention on Human Rights entirely to continue this policy under a Conservative government. The move was deeply unpopular with the audience, with cries of “shame” from those in York.

When an audience member pressed the Prime Minister about his plans, Rishi was quick to hit back: “Sir, with the greatest respect, but we don’t need a foreign court telling us how to protect our borders and security, do we?”

He added: “And while I believe we comply with our international obligations in all our actions, if I were put in a position where I had to choose between these things I would always put our national security first. And make absolutely no apologies for that.”

Then some in the studio audience shouted: “Shame, shame, shame.”

And the policy has led to many taking to social media to condemn Mr Sunak’s “insensitive” approach, while expressing horror at the idea of ​​the UK withdrawing from the European Convention on Human Rights, which aims to protect the human rights of all.

“I felt sick when Rishi Sunak called the European Convention on Human Rights a ‘foreign court’. This is not a matter of ‘sovereignty’ or British nationalism, it’s a matter of the human rights of British citizens and intergovernmental protection,” one voter wrote.

A second voter commented in writing: “I think that’s a great thing for him and his party.” “The audience knows how to defend human rights. The public wants a well-funded NHS that doesn’t make profits for private companies but wants to pay their taxes for public services…”

A third added: “It’s wrong to say it’s only two countries in the world that are affected, but in any case we absolutely need the ECHR and Rishi Sunak should be ashamed. Furthermore, the court will only “prescribe what to do” if someone’s human rights are violated.

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