Tories narrow Labour’s lead in new poll as Reform drops

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The Conservatives have narrowed Labour lead in a new poll just days before the general election. The Savanta poll puts Rishi Sunak party on 24%, 15 points behind Labour’s 39%.

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Rishi Sunak and Nigel Farage will go head to head on Thursday (Image: GETTY)

The last time the pollster recorded the Conservatives in the mid-20s was between 7-9 June.

Chris Hopkins, head of policy research at Savanta, said: “This is the highest Conservative vote share in a Savanta poll since the beginning of June, and more specifically since the D-Day fiasco. We shouldn’t get ahead of ourselves here, but if this result were to be repeated on election night it would still represent a historic victory for Labour.

“But these figures show major losses, not electoral defeat. Apart from the Reform UK slide, this is as good news as the Conservative Party is getting at the moment.”

Savanta interviewed 2,287 British adults online between 28th and 30th June.

Sunak brings McDonald’s for travel journalists

Good morning from the M40! We’re all geared up and ready to go this morning as Rishi Sunak treats traveling journalists to some McDonald’s.

The Prime Minister’s choice? Breakfast wrap. He said fasting during the election period was not an issue. I have decided to follow his example and do so too.

It started early for those on the Conservative battle bus. The alarm went off at 2.30am! The Prime Minister’s first visit was to the Ocado warehouse in Luton before en route to his second location of the day. Stay tuned for further information on the Conservative election campaign.

The PM orders the McDonalds (Image: GETTY)

Conservative minister insists Sir Starmer wants to keep the ‘four-day week’ as Prime Minister

Government ministers are trying to claim Sir Keir Starmer wants to keep the ‘four-day week’ as Prime Minister.

The claim was made by Maria Caulfield after the Labour leader said he wanted to take time off after 6pm on Fridays to be with his children.

The Health Secretary told Sky News: “It’s not possible.

“I’m just a junior minister and I work seven days a week, sometimes almost 20 hours a day, so I’m a bit concerned that he’s taken this approach.”

What to expect from Tuesday’s election campaign

With 48 hours to go until voting opens on the Fourth of July, party leaders are operating at full throttle.

Rishi Sunak will urge wavering Conservative voters to stay loyal to the party as he aims to break away from Labour’s huge majority.

While campaigning in the south-east of England, the Prime Minister will insist that the election result is not a “forecast”.

Speaking in Oxfordshire, he will say: “Just 130,000 people need to change their vote to support us and we can deny Starmer a supermajority”. The campaign will include several visits across England.

The Labour leader will warn voters of the risk of waking up on July 5 to five more years of a Conservative government.

Liberal Democrat leader Sir Ed Davey is revisiting one of the party’s key priorities: ending the “sewage scandal”.

As he campaigns in the south west of England, Sir Ed will call for the next parliament to support a Clean Water Bill to help make improvements.

Meanwhile in Scotland, First Minister and SNP leader John Swinney is set to visit a distillery as he calls on Scotland to reject Westminster austerity cuts from the next Labour government.

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