UAE Blue Residency, who can apply, and how to apply for it

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Dubai: On May 15, the UAE Cabinet approved a new long-term residency visa – the ‘Blue Residency’, for individuals who have made contributions in the environmental field. The new visa reflects the UAE’s aim to enhance climate action and redouble environment conservation efforts in the country.

10 Year UAE blue visa UAE breaking news

Underlining the UAE’s steadfast commitment to environmental sustainability, the Prime Minister emphasised, “The sustainability of our economy has become linked to the sustainability of our environment, and our national directions in this area are clear and consistent.” He reiterated the country’s determination to safeguard the environment, embrace cutting-edge international technologies, and enhance its higher education systems.

As the UAE enters the Year of Sustainability (2023-2024), the introduction of the Blue Visa fits perfectly with the country’s long-term goals of promoting environmental protection and sustainable practices. Here’s everything you need to know about it.

What is the UAE’s 10-year Blue Visa?

The UAE has introduced a long-term stay program for environmental activists known as ‘Blue Residency’. This 10-year visa is specifically designed for individuals who have demonstrated exceptional commitment and effort to protect the environment. The initiative aims to strengthen sustainability efforts within the UAE and beyond, in line with the country’s commitment to environmental protection and sustainability.

In line with the President’s directive to extend the Year of Sustainability in 2023, this initiative includes sustainability initiatives within and outside the UAE. Includes efforts to By recognizing and supporting individuals who are committed to protecting the environment, the UAE supports sustainability efforts and strengthens its commitment to a greener future.

Who is eligible?

The Blue Visa, a special residence permit, is available to people who have demonstrated significant commitment and impact in a variety of environmental areas, including marine life, terrestrial ecosystems, air quality, sustainability technologies, circular economy, etc. is given to.

How do I apply? 1

Eligible individuals can apply for a Blue Visa through the Commonwealth Office of Identity, Citizenship, Customs and Port Security (ICP). is recommended. , the concerned authorities may also suggest them for consideration. The Blue Visa offers recipients long-term stay in the UAE, the opportunity to collaborate on environmental projects, access to funding and resources, and recognition for their contribution to environmental protection.

How do you apply 2?

Eligible individuals are encouraged to apply for the Blue Visa through the Federal Authority for Identity, Citizenship, Customs, and Port Security (ICP), and relevant authorities may also nominate them for consideration. The Blue Visa offers recipients long-term residency in the UAE, opportunities for collaboration on environmental projects, access to funding and resources, and acknowledgment for their contributions to environmental protection.

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